The Hub at Davos completed its most successful year yet on Thursday, with programming largely dedicated to exploring the future of finance and sustainability trends.
Before that, though, attendees were treated to a fireside chat with two legendary pioneers of the artificial intelligence space: Professor Yann LeCun, currently Chief AI Scientist at Meta, and Professor Karl Friston, Chief Scientist at VERSES AI. Moderated by Olivier Oullier, theirs was a wide-ranging and fascinating discussion that looked at the innate meaning of artificial intelligence, how it’s been too often confused and even weaponized in the current narrative and what future developments to expect.
The afternoon carried on by bringing a series of financial luminaries to the stage to discuss and debate the key technologies and models that will determine the future of financial services, how capital markets can more efficiently evolve to integrate digital securities and tokenization’s growing role across the industry.
On the sustainability front, Fortune Magazine’s Peter Vanham moderated a lively panel on how corporations and investors are driving decarbonization and energy transformation. As much responsibility lies on the public sector to set and enforce clear sustainability guidelines, the panel noted, it will all be for naught if leaders in the private sector don’t follow suit and demonstrate a clear commitment to moving to a more sustainable future, immediately. Panelists included BCP Ventures’ Brynne Kennedy, ABB Group’s Anton Kotov, S&P Global’s Lauren Smart and Dr. Dmitry Antropov of Partners Group.
Closing the Book on The Hub at Davos 2024
And with Thursday in the books, The Hub at Davos 2024 is a wrap! Thank you to the many individuals at Casper Labs, The Financial Times, Maryam Ford Foundation, Earth05, VNTR Capital, Abante Global, Trust Square and many more that came together to make this the most successfully attended Hub event yet.
We’ll see you back in Davos in 2025